Its Been a Long Time!!

Its Been a Long Time!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Long update?? Sorry!!

Well, my loving sister reminded me that there are folks who are wanting to keep up with Jack's progress and I have been somewhat negligent in keeping the blog updated. Sorry!!!

Dr. Bob returned safely from Africa and Jack had an appointment last week. After 8 weeks of castings, Bob says its time to move to phase two. We have special ordered orthotic shoes (unfortunately they are at least a week out on orders....) In the mean time, our "poor man" orthotic shoes are really a pair of Cole's old Nike's from when he was a baby.....except on the wrong feet. Jack doesn't seem to mind this and it keeps his little toes pointed outward. The orthotic shoes will do essentially the same thing, but they also have a bar that attaches to hold the feet steady while Jack sleeps.

Jack was walking really well in the flat-bottomed casts, but he has really not walked much at all in his bare feet or in the Nike's. I think he is favoring one of his ankles but Dr. Bob assures us he should not be in any pain. I'm wondering, if after 8 weeks in casts, the poor kiddo just needs some time to build up some muscle tone again. He's very happy and is in great spirits. He crawls or "hops" everywhere he wants to again, this is not slowing him down. It was just SO great to see him walking....that its a little hard to go "backwards" again.

on top of the casts / shoes issue....we are still having significant digestive issues with the boy. We've been home three months and the boy still has diarrhea every single day. We've done stool samples (all of which came back normal) and we've completely removed ALL dairy from his diet for two difference whatsoever. Pediatrician says the next step is the pediatric gastroenterology clinic at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland. Ugh. We have an appointment, Thursday, March 11. We covet your prayers. Jack is not bothered by any of his symptoms. He doesn't appear to be cramping or in pain. But his diapers are NASTY!!!! And they are nasty FREQUENTLY!!! I'll spare you any more information than that!!

Praises are plenty over the last few weeks.....Jack's social security number arrived literally without a glitch. I went to the social security office in Albany (Thanks Lory Roth for the heads-up!) and waited a mere 30 minutes. The entire process was less than an hour....we've heard HORROR stories from other adoptive families who have waited hour upon hour, only to be told to return another day with another form, etc, etc, etc. The Lord paved the way for us on this doubt!! So, our taxes are almost complete.....praise the Lord for the federal adoption credit! It will certainly help replenish the next-to-nothing savings account. yikes!!

Jack's transition home continues to amaze and astound us. There are literally days when I can't remember not having him here. He is such a part of who we are as a family. He spent the afternoon with a friend of mine (it was his first time "away" from family or extended family) and he did just super. Thanks for fabulous friends who are willing to take the risk to be the first babysitter for the China boy!! We are blessed by an amazing support work, at school, at church, even the community. When you hear it takes a village to raise a child...this kid's got the cadillac village!! :)

Thanks for all of you who continue to read this and for those who keep praying. We feel you and are sustained by God's grace because of your intercession!! Our love to each and every one of you.