Its Been a Long Time!!

Its Been a Long Time!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Week Two at Home

We've been home two-plus weeks and now the big kids are back at school. I've enjoyed my time as a stay-at-home mom even though, I admit, I've been at school and the district office every day at least once. No worries...Jack has been there with me and people are becoming accustomed to me getting things accomplished at work with an extra 20 pounds on my left hip. :)

Jack continues to act as if the surgery on his achilles tendon was no big deal. We never did medicate more than just regular Tylenol post-surgery. He's doing just amazingly well. He's met all my teachers at school and all the other principals at our admin meeting and was introduced to Cole's classroom during Cole's 45 minute presentation about China (yikes!) Elise has asked to bring Jack to school for show-n-tell on Thursday.

Thursday is also our post-op appointment and we'll get further direction regarding continued casts and treatment then.

Sunday is a great day as we will be dedicating Jack at church. What a tremendous opportunity to offer this baby back to the God who has protected and provided for him each and every day of his young life. May the Lord continue to richly bless Jackson as he grows and our prayer would be that Jack would establish a relationship with his Lord early in life.