Its Been a Long Time!!

Its Been a Long Time!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This was Jack's introduction to our crazy American tradition....trick or treating. I thought maybe we should give him a "trial run" before actually going out in the neighborhood, so on Saturday I gave Paul a piece of candy and then dressed Jack in his costume. I showed Jack how to tell Daddy, "Trick or Treat" and then Paul gave him the candy. Ummm, yeah, well, duh....the kid isn't stupid. We spent the next eight hours bouncing back and forth between pure glee and temper tantrums on the floor as he refused to get out of the costume and was following every one around the house begging "Trick or Treat"...."Trick or Treat". The problem was...if he begged long enough, someone would give him a treat (just to shut him up!!) :)

We dressed the whole crew up Sunday afternoon and went out trick or treating in the neighborhood. Fun day for all....