Its Been a Long Time!!

Its Been a Long Time!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Blessings Beyond Measure

a.k.a. Things we never knew to ask for...that the Lord gave us anyway!!

1. The orphanage report at 3 months of age says Jack loves music!
2. Jack is born in the same city where Linda's brother & his family live
3. We receive multiple updated medical / health reports even though the orphanage typically does not release additional information.
4. Jack is moved to foster care at a very young age.
5. The foster family update describes Jack as "long and skinny" compared to other Chinese babies. (He'll fit right in with our kids!!)
6. Jack's birthday is a perfect match for the rest of the family. Emerson's birthday is July 23. Cole's birthday is exactly one week after Emerson's. Jack's birthday is exactly one week after Cole's.